Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patricks Day

Or Happy Evan's Birthday Eve as we say here as we arent Irish. :)
Bumpa has been yelling that I havent put any new pics up so here are a few. I tried taking more today but my camera battery is almost dead so everything is fuzzy.
Ry started Spanish classes one day a week after school and is really enjoying it. Hes finishing up Cub Scouts for the year and cant wait for the 3 day camp this summer. Hes doing really well in school.
Evan is just a charmer and so funny as always. Hes going to one afternoon a week presschool of sorts now.
Nora is 19 months and will have been home a year now next week. She still isnt saying many words but gets her point across pretty well.
I started a new shift at work starting at 1pm and its working out pretty well. Jim started a new position at work and its pretty hectic. At least we have jobs. Vacation over Easter cant come soon enough though.

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